Dr. Collins is an Associate Professor, Head of Prognosis Methodology, Deputy Director of the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (University of Oxford). Dr. Collins was awarded his PhD on Multivariate Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data in 2000 from the University of Exeter and has been working at CSM since 2006.
He has published over 90 papers (with more than 45 as first or senior author) including clinical trials, observational studies, systematic reviews, quality of life assessment, propensity scores and prognostic models (see publications list or ORCID entry for a selection of recent publications).
His research interests are primarily focused on aspects surrounding the development and validation multivariable prediction (prognostic) models (design, analysis and reporting). He is also interested in the systematic appraisal of prognostic studies.
He is the principal investigator of an MRC methodology grant focussing on statistical aspects of prognostic modelling; in particular, issues relating to the validation of prediction models.
He is also interested in the conduct and reporting of studies developing and validating risk prediction models and has published extensively in this area. He is currently leading (along with Doug Altman, Karel Moons and Hans Reitsma, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands) an international collaboration to produce a consensus guidance (TRIPOD) on items to report when developing or validating (prognostic and diagnostic) prediction models.
Dr. Collins is a Statistical Editor (“hanging committee”) for the British Medical Journal (since 2010), an Associate Editor for BMC Medical Research Methodology, an academic editor for both PeerJ (profile) and PLoS One.
He was also (2011-2012) on the Guideline Development Group for the NICE Clinical Guideline “Osteoporosis Fragility Fracture” (CG146), a co-opted member of the NICE Clinical Guideline Development Group for the “Lipid Modification” update (CG67), in both instances as the expert on risk prediction (2013-2014).
Dr. Collins is member of the STRATOS Initiative that aims to provide accessible and accurate guidance in the design and analysis of observational studies.
Courses in the CER Master
CER and personalised or stratified medicine.