Clinical research has generated tremendous knowledge on diagnosis and treatment. However, it does not provide sufficient information to determine for example what treatment works best, for whom, and under which conditions. Comparative Effectiveness Research addresses these issues by identifying the most effective interventions for specific patient groups. It is a growing area of cutting-edge research that is elevated to the level of national initiative in the USA.
Indeed, comparative effectiveness research can fill evidence gaps created by missing or incomplete evidence. It has clearly become a major field aimed at helping clinical decision-making, supporting evidence-based medicine and improving the healthcare system.
Our programme tackles several topics, including:
- Innovative designs in randomized controlled trials
- Causality in observational studies
- Diagnostic tests, biomarkers and screening
- Stratified or precision medicine
- Big data & routinely collected data
- Meta-analysis of randomised trials
- Meta-analysis of diagnostic studies
- Network meta-analysis
- Evidence synthesis
More details on our “courses” page.